The latest news from your pension fund
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Nieuws november 2023
Managing risk: from the new pension system to cybercrime
Managing risk is the pension fund's top priority. The most obvious risks are of course investment risks: striking a sensible balance between making a profit on investments and the desired security. But there's more to it than that, says board member Hanneke Niekus. She singles out two 'non-financial' risks: cybercrime and the new pension legislation. She explains how the fund is approaching them.
Read the interview
Meet the team
Meet Ancel Tholen, one of our pension coaches, and discover what she and her colleagues can do for you.
Many responses to our survey
Thank you for completing it!
In August we asked you to participate in a survey into the question: how much risk do you want to take with your pension money? 435 of you responded and made your voices heard. Thanks for that!

We will now analyze the results. As soon as the results of the survey are known, we will share them with you. We will take this into account in our preparation for the new pension scheme.
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Pensioen what will change?
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